

Oilfield Catering Cook: Did I tell you I met Bobby Flay once, and he signed my cookbook and told me he really enjoyed meeting me?

Me: That's a Meet-and Greet. He is required to do that -- it's in his Food Network contract. If you had showed up barefoot with a skunk in your purse like a chihauhau and a pig on a leash, he would still have insisted it was wonderful to see you and signed your cookbook.

Oilfield Catering Cook: You are so negative . . .

Me: Nonsense. I believe that for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.

Other Line Cook: hehehe

Me: But every rose has it's thorn . . .

Oilfield Catering Cook: (mumbles) You are such a bitch . . .

Other Line Cook: Just like every dog has his day . . .

Me: Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song . . .

Oilfield Catering Cook: (mumbles) I hate you . . .

Me and Other Line Cook: (singing) Every rose has it's thorn . . .

Oilfield Catering Cook: I just can't work with you. You make everyone around you evil. (stomps off)